Banana Panncakes

Pancakes is one of my favourite things to eat, especially the one thin ones that we have in Sweden. When I first discovered the 2 ingredients (1 banana + 2 eggs) healthy banana pancakes recipe, I had it every day for weeks. By time I have develop my own version to take it up one step and make it a little more filling. Personally I like to have mine after a workout with a scoop of protein powder. If I have work straight after my gym session I make my pancakes before the gym, back them down in my bag and eat them after. Just to change it up from the standard banana + shake.


1 Banana
100g Egg white
2 tbsp Coconut flour
1 tbsp Baking soda
1 scoop of protein powder


Mash up the banana until soft and add the egg whites. Mix together. Then add the remaining ingredients and mix it all until soft texture. Put a fry pan on medium heat with some coconut oil. I recommend to make smaller pancakes because they are easier to flip. Also be careful with the heat, lower tempter is better so they get cooked all way through without burning on the outside. That’s how simple it is! Serve with some drizzled nut butter on top.

You can change egg whites to 1 egg and 50g of egg white if you like. Also I like to add cinnamon to mine when I’m using vanilla whey protein.


  1. Bodil Karlsson says:

    Gör dom i ett plättlägg med lite bär och kvarg så blir det en utmärkt efterrätt.

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