Zucchini & Sweet Potato Fritters

Weekend breakfasts are made for spending some extra time in the kitchen. These fritters are perfect for those mornings when you got a bit extra time and give you a “brunch out” kind of vibe. Fresh in flavour with delicious cumin flavour coming through.


Zucchini & Sweet potato Fritters


1 medium zucchini (300g)
1 medium sweet potato (400g)
80g leek
2 tsp. cumin seeds
4 tbsp. dried Italian herbs
2 eggs
1 cup rice flour (or any kind you like)
Salt and pepper


1. Wash and grate the zucchini and sweet potato. Place in a strainer with a pinch of salt and leave for a while to help drain out the water
2. Whisk the eggs and mix it with the flour and spices
Squeeze out the water from the veggies as good as you can before placing it in a bowl with finely cut leek
3. Pour the egg mixture over and combine the ingredients well
4. Put a pan on medium heat with some oil and let it heat up before start frying the fritters
5. Let them cook for 1-2 min on each side

You can put the oven on low heat to keep them warm while cooking trough the batch. The recipe gives you around 12 fritters

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